Disclaimer Details

Ubuisnessmeets is not responsible in any manner for loss of data, crash, downtime and failure of the system. At times, Ubuisnessmeets may resell certain tools, software and programmes used by use but not developed by us. We are also not accountable for the utilization of client’s account in any manner. In case the terms and conditions are not followed in the prescribed manner, they are likely to deactivated without any futher discussion. The deletion or deactivation of account will solely be related to the terms set by Ubusinessmeets for which no intimation or correspondence of any matter is required. At the same time,  Ubusinessmeets reserves the right to change and modify these guidelines, policies at any point of time without notifications in advance of any sort.

Legal Action
  • Any legal dispute or legal action relating to Ubusinessmeets can be filed at Navi Mumbai.
  • In case of abuse, physical harrasement, threat, termination of the contract can take place along with a levy of $200 as a penalty under the jurisdiction of Navi Mumbai Jurisdiction.
  • Ubusinessmeets is not responsible for wrong content, images and information uploaded on the client’s website/advertisement/graphic design/online advertisement and print media is any manner, if they are uploaded by the client.